Trust Network
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Trust Network chart helps you understand the topology of the team, based on the conversations in the team. The network topology can categorize teams as "High Trust" or "Low Trust".
High Trust Team:
Individuals are aligned with vision and values although they may disagree (even forcefully) on methods and metrics.
They are self-governed by mutual respect and a shared commitment to do the right thing.
They have few rules, and no particular procedure is sacrosanct.
Low Trust Team:
Individual participants are not well aligned
External support or authority to manage the individuals
They need structure and procedure all the time.
In High Trust Network, the chart shows mesh topology, where every individual in the team converses with others. When individuals disagree with others the edges are marked as red.
In Low Trust Network, the chart shows star or ring topology, where few members converse with the majority of the team.
Focus on creating High Trust Network to build High Performing Team.